A Global Community of Top Talent

Joining Hylman’s network of top talent within Consulting Centrale means means working with some of the best companies in the world, on your own terms.
You'll also have the opportunity to be a part of our large community events by participating in seminars, training sessions, and networking.


Submit your profile in details to be evaluated by our experts to join and be part of our global pool of talents.

Fields marked with an asterisk (*) are required.


Please provide the information requested below on your work history. ConslutingCenrale needs this information to match your knowledge and expertise to our clients’ project and informational needs.

Please upload your resume in either PDF or Word format.

Please upload a document that explains the projects you’ve managed to complete to date in chronological order, successful achievements, and anything else related that would portray your experience.

You can also enter your online resume URL

Please enter your LinkedIn Profile URL